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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

What if Todd Bentley, the Antichrist, and the Pharisees Threw a Party? (but no one came)

I just started reading Tozer’s “The Pursuit of God”. It seems like I always read excerpts by Tozer and I love what he says, but I never get around to actually reading his books. I posted a quote by him the other day because it was so appealing to me at the time. I haven’t wanted to post anything myself because I have too much in mind – the words are far too analytical to describe what I really mean. So, if my casual ramblings at this hour profit anyone, know it must be God’s wonderful Spirit communicating things I never even intended to write about this morning.

At this point all I know is that I know nothing and God knows everything. I’m convinced this is a good thing since Jesus IS my wisdom and understanding, after all. This post applies generally to doctrine and specifically to the topic on revival I wrote about last time. I’ve noticed that people arguing (talking) about this whole thing in Lakeland with Todd Bentley seem to be quite far to one side or the other. There are exceptions, but in general they either say Bentley is the Antichrist or they say Christians who don’t appreciate him are missing God.

If you want to know what angle I’m coming from – Well, I believe that the baptism of the Holy Spirit (as well as the accompanying gifts and fruit) is real and for every believer. I know God desires to talk to His children and use them to manifest the life of Jesus Christ in a powerful way. I also totally believe in supernatural healing and that God doesn’t care if you are an ex-IRS auditor wearing a bone in your nose when you pray for someone to be healed. Tattoos, body piercings, and even a criminal past are not (necessarily) disqualifications from ministry for a truly born-again believer in Jesus.

I am also passionate about His precious love letter, the bible. In it I see that God speaks very strongly about false prophets in the end times, of lying signs and wonders, and about not despising prophecy but testing it. If you are seriously going to tell me that you love God’s Word, then you had better TAKE seriously the warnings about the coming deception and falling away in the last times, as well as the need for a love for the truth. If these concepts don’t ring some bible bells, please check your local Concordance. The Holy Spirit is truly awesome and powerful. I want to listen carefully to everything He has told me about the generation I believe I am living in.

So, in my limited understanding of the truth, I feel pretty strongly that any person who is going to “thus saith the Lord” should be completely UNhostile to brothers and sisters wanting to be Bereans and examine things according to the Word of God. Prophetic people must grow up into the love of Christ as the Word of God commands and demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit as they exercise their gifts. As Paul explained in 1 Corinthians 13, even the most awesome prophetic gift will pass away. Anything, no matter how spectacular, that is not done in love will have NO eternal impact because love is what will remain in the Kingdom of God.

Plus, for good measure I will throw in that saying the name of Jesus is very different than proclaiming it. “Jesus” CAN be just a word unless you talk about and offer revelation about the whole redemptive purpose of the Living Word. Ok, so that concludes my John the Baptist portion of this posting. But please continue preparing the way of the Lord until next time, alright?

Before I go on, I want to remind us that every believer is a child of God and the real question in this time is not how to convince the “other side” of the error of their ways. The real question is, how can we get the church as a whole to focus on the revelation of Jesus Christ and not arguments, manifestations, or feelings? One of these things is actually the name of the last book of the bible, remember? The Revelation of Jesus Christ (yep, not “Revelations”). Funny how God can sum everything up so concisely at times, isn’t it?

In the world of religious thought I am often sure in my spirit that the answer to difficult questions both embraces completely (while at the same time lying somewhere completely outside) what two diametricallly opposed viewpoints are certain is the absolute truth. Ha! Imagine that, God’s ways being above our ways. This is not to say in any way I don’t believe in absolute truth. I just think it is obvious that the deep spiritual truths we are learning from God in any moment are only expressed in a representative way by the limitations of our intellect and physical existence. If every child of God has the Spirit of God indwelling, then it should also be obvious that on the deepest spiritual level we are all in COMPLETE agreement regardless of our understanding or expression of doctrine. Obvious or not, we miss the truth of this basic agreement in a BIG way, which causes a great deal of unnecessary pain in relationships in the church.

This in no way invalidates the importance of correct doctrine. However, I don’t think we ask the right questions. We get so bogged down that we forget that Paul gave us a way out of the doctrinal maze by telling us that knowing Christ was the ONE thing that is needful. Think of it, Jesus told Martha the same thing about Mary.

But how gracious, wonderful and merciful the Father is to enlighten our spirits about the truth of who Jesus is through such means as bible study, spoken prayer, and exhortation of one another. The method and the means are beside the point, but still required! What an interesting mystery and exciting hint at our entire dependence on Him to receive anything at all. I recently read two books by very different authors – Watchman Nee and Andrew Murray. I am always thrilled to have my faith strengthened when I observe how Christians in different cultures and times have found Jesus to be the same as they seek a deeper revelation of Him.

I happened to read the two books simultaneously and they began to express an idea in the same way. This is the simple truth I have often pondered – that we cannot receive blessings or things we request from God as some separate items apart from Christ Himself. Prayer for any virtue or need (patience or healing for example) will be much more effective if we realize He is not waving a magic wand over us, but instead opening us up to a deeper revelation and expression of the life of Christ. Now, this is far from latter rain dominion-ism, but it is the deep spiritual truth that can only be hinted at by the scripture:

Galations 2: 20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

So, if you want to be effective in spiritual warfare, consider how Jesus did it. He walked around being Jesus. The light and the truth that shone from Him into the spiritual darkness of the world effectively conquered it. If we learn to wait more and more upon God in the course of our everyday life, we will more and more walk in the Spirit of the Holy One of Israel. Then, it will be His life shining light through us into a dark world. True humility is an awesome gift from God because it puts us in the proper position of total dependence on the One who has All Power to give. And the truly incredible thing is, God longs to give it to His children. However, we forget over and over again that the purpose of it all is to reveal more and more the person of Jesus Christ to a dark and dying world. Everything we need or desire is truly found in Jesus and we can receive nothing of value apart from Him.

I offer this as a “whatever is good” writing for my brothers and sisters who may be cruising the Internet reading all kinds of well-intentioned, but negative material on both sides of this discussion about the Apostolic/Prophetic Movement or the Lakeland Revival. I admit I’ve done my own share of browsing, asking God what it is that I should be learning. Though I have my own opinions about the specifics, I believe they are (mostly) beside the point at this time. My hope is that I’ve been able to point to Christ as the simple and only solution to our questions. Thanks for reading.

With love, in Christ,


LadyD Piano said...

I love your blog and how you express the truth of the Bible with no compromise! I especially
love the way you seek the lost and share God's love so that many can be found in Him. Be blessed and encouraged! ~ LadyD

Truth_Seeker said...

I enjoyed reading the blog - thanks.

Truly Christ is all in all - let us be diligent in preparing the way of the Lord. Prophets will come and go, I am glad to hear the gospel proclaimed - though some preach for gain / excitement yet many for the sake of Truth.
I pray that we would all press on in His Word keeping our eyes on Jesus - May the Lord bless you richly and cause you to bear much fruit for He has given you many talents.
In Christ, Truth_Seeker

Anonymous said...

Just remember...The bible is very clear when it comes to prophets. When a person calls themselves a prophet as he has the requirement of God is 100 percent accuracy or you are a false prophet.

He has not been 100 percent accurate. So I will do what God says and stay clear of him.

It has nothing to do with how he looks.